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Доказано – постоји: Војска САД финансира ХААРП (документа и докази)


Како сајт
nezvanicno.info на свом порталу доноси, ХААРП програм је званичан пројекат агенције DARPA и Министарство одбране САД.

На основу докумената, које са оригиналним урл линковима презентира сајт nezvanicno.info, види се да је буџет за ХААРП обезбеђен како за ову тако и за 2014. годину.

Буџет ДАРПА 2013. годину можете и сами да проверите овде.

Description: This thrust will obtain insights into physical aspects of natural phenomena such as magnetospheric sub-storms, fire, lightning, and geo-physical phenomena. New fundamental understandings of these phenomena will enable the ability to predict and exploit these physical processes, especially with regard to communications.

A major emphasis of this thrust is to provide predictive models for the interactions between plasmas and electromagnetic waves across a range of energy and length scales, and into new regimes.

Specific projects that fall under this heading are foundational studies on the initiation, propagation, and attachment of lightning, and their associated emissions; the critical factors affecting magnetospheric sub-storms; the generation and amplification of extremely low frequency (ELF)/ultra low frequency (ULF)/very low frequency (VLF) radiation in the ionosphere utilizing the High Frequency Active Aural Research Program (HAARP) transmitter; and understanding and quantifying the interaction of electromagnetic and acoustic waves with the plasma in flames.


 Сама ставка везана за ХААРП се налази на 36 страници документа:



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